About Image

PSG has a unique approach to membership that helps our members save money, gain more purchasing power and to stay competitive in your regional market.  Membership is based on your company’s location and the types of products and services that you provide in your market.

To learn more about the benefits of membership and to have a membership application sent to you, contact PSG at info@printsuppliersgroup.com or fill out the online contact form.

The PSG Membership Benefits

The PSG benefits that members receive provide savings and pre-negotiated discounts, rebates and lowered pricing from national and international leading vendors of the highest quality ink and press room products. 

  • Buying Leverage to improve your bottom line
  • Flexibility and the ability to control your buying decisions
  • Collaboration, peer-to-peer networking to enhance your support
  • Selection to choose the best products
  • Members’ Only website for you and your company’s staff

To download the PSG Membership Benefits one-sheeter, just click here.